Trinity Seven Wiki
Trinity Seven: Lieselotte Chronicle
トリニティセブン リーゼクロニクル
Lieselotte cover vol1 LC MA
Author Kenji Saitō
Artist Abeno Chako
Publisher(s) Fujimi Shobo
Magazine Monthly Dragon Age
Volumes 3
Original Run February 9, 2017 - July 9, 2018

Trinity Seven: Lieselotte Chronicle[1] is a series based from the Seven Magicians series featuring Lieselotte Sherlock, written by original author Kenji Saito and illustrated by Abeno Chako with original character designs by Akinari Nao. The series was serialized in Monthly Dragon Age from February 9, 2017 to June 9, 2018, where the final volume was released on July 9th, 2018.


Lieselotte Sherlock has been seeing dreams about Destruction Phenomena destroying the world, but nobody else can sense it.

She found out the cause came from parallel world and heads out after confirming with Master Liber who helps sending here to that world, which she calls β-universe.

In that parallel world, she found things are different. Instead of Lilith, Anastasia is the teacher who brought Arata to the Academy. She is also no longer the Trinity Seven of Acedia, a position that is now taken by Aries Chaldea.

While she avoid getting removed by other characters who saw her as threat, she is surrounded by mysteries as of the source for the Destruction Phenomena, and the fate of her β-world self.


Character(s) # Release Date ISBN
Lieselotte Sherlock 01 Japan US Japan US
Lieselotte cover vol1 LC MA August 8, 2017 N\A 978-4-04-072389-1 N\A
  • 01. Crossing Time
  • 02. Time Keeper
  • 03. Keep the World
  • 04. Belphegor Formchange
  • 05. Key of Worldend
Character(s) # Release Date ISBN
Lieselotte Sherlock & Aries Chaldea 02 Japan US Japan US
Liese Chornicle Volume 2 Cover February 9, 2018 N\A 978-4-04-072602-1 N\A
  • 06. Repeat World
  • 07. Dark Inside
  • 08. Fatal Memory
  • 09. Chrono Witch Birthday
  • 10. Trinity Laziness
Character(s) # Release Date ISBN
Lieselotte Sherlock & Arata Kasuga 03 Japan US Japan US
Liese Chornicle Volume 3 Cover July 9, 2018 N\A 978-4-040-72774-5 N\A
  • 11. Fatal Battle
  • 12. Phase Aforgomon
  • 13. Fatal Hope
  • 14. Blue Lord
  • 15. Baal Peor




  1. “トリニティセブン 7人の魔書使い.” 富士見書房, Fujimi Shobo,