Trinity Seven Wiki
Aries Chaldea
アリエス・カルディア (Ariesu karudia)
Personal Info
Gender Female
Hair Color Black
Status Alive
Race Human
Affiliation Arbitrator

Arbitrator Headquarters

Occupation Student (Formerly)
Magic Abilities
Magic(s) Logos Art
  • Acedia
  • Laziness (Sacred Chest)
Thema(s) Time (Attribute)
Weapon(s) Dáinsleif
Manga Chapter 95

Aries Chaldea is one of the Heavenly Arbitrators. She is the Arbitrator of "Time" and her Sacred Chest is "Laziness". Her pillar symbol is "Aries". So far she is shown to manipulate time and calculate locations from all dimensions. Her abilities are much similar to Lieselotte Sherlock. She doesn't talk much and prefers to stay silent, only opened up to Maris and Faunaria, hence being with them in heaven when she was young.


Aries is quite friendly, despite her serious look. She rarely opens to her fellow Arbitrator, as most of the time she is silent. According to Lieselotte she speaks similar to a machine. Faunaria was curious if she is interested in men, only for her to refuse to answer but Maris finds her behavior quite the opposite. Aries informed both Maris and Faunaria that she doesn't envy those with close relationships. Yet she envy Maris and Faunaria close friendship, and Aries only have one good friend which is Liese. Aries is very astute as she can calculate dimensions, she can give perceive chances by winning or losing in battles. She also knows about enemies she can't defeat or can defeat, as she does her research before so. Thanks to this she knows the chances of defeating the goddess of darkness She is as well polite, as she introduced herself to Selina twice despite Selina saw her before.

Aries has never been cruel to anyone ever she became an Arbitrator, she hasn't shown anger emotions. Despite bear near emotionless, she misses Lieselotte to the point that she tried to find her desperately. When Maris joked to her if she could be her mother, Aries reacted that she would comply if that were possible. Now as an Arbitrator, she obeys Aetheria orders, and she was the one who informed her the chances of defeating the goddess of darkness. Aries also the one informed the Trinity Seven candidates the calculations of dimensions.

Under the goddess control Pholus, Aries talks in calculating manner only without any emotions whatsoever, as well she is loyal to Aryan. She has shown signs of unpleasantry when disturbed, she even smirks when pleased. However she can lose her composure if something unexpected happens outside her calculation. For some unknown reason she harbors great hatred for the Azazel family, including Arles and Lilith. She wouldn't hesitate to eliminate them. She is extremely smart as Pholus, as she purposely took the second shot from Lilith just to calculate what would it do if all three shots hit her. Without hesitation she would go as far as eliminate everyone and everything including herself for her destruction but protect herself. However Aries was the only Arbitrator to resist the goddess control over her for a long period of time, refusing to lose the memories of Lieselotte and Arata to whom the goddess complemented on her persistence.


Arles has long black hair which has a pink ribbon on it, with golden eyes. She wears a white scarf around her neck. Her attire consists of a long black robe reaching till the bottom of her shoes, and a white dress underneath. Upon becoming an Arbitrator, she discarded her old uniform, only keeping the pink ribbon. As a god, everything is the same except with extra black marking that resembles her hair downwards. Her eyes also disappear beneath the extra hair markings.

In Heavens realm, she wears a white robe, and a long white scarf. Beneath her robe she wears a sleeved clothing. She keeps her pink ribbon. While overall has a waitress appearance.


When Aries was in school, she had the same Archive as Lieselotte who came from another parallel world which she calls it β-universe, thus causing confusion, rivalry, and misunderstanding which was corrected. The both of them became best friends soon afterwards.

When Lieselotte confronted Aries in the original world she didn't know her, because she was in β-universe, and only knew the Aries from that world. Until Aries used force to relieve her past memories of her, so that she can recognize the current Aries.

At some point Aries became an Arbitrator, and has lived in Heaven. She became good friends with Maris and Faunaria at everything to the point that Faunaria noted if all three of them together they can beat any enemy.


Aries obseves

Aries observing Deus Trinity fight.

Aries is first seen observing from afar in one of the Arbitrator floating buildings, as the Trinity Seven fight Deus Trinity. Accompanied by an Arbitrator messenger, whom they chat. The messenger says how awkward the situation is, while Aries respond how catastrophic can he cause after his resurrection. The messenger mentions how the Arbitrators are also busy, she ignores his comment and stays silent. When asked if there is anyone she cares about, she doesn't give him direct answer, only says "That person and that other" . The messenger gets the idea and interests him, he inquires which demon that has the right to enter heaven. But receiving no response.

Aries invitation

Aries with Selina and Lieselotte.

She later sneaks into Royal Biblia Academy, and finds Lieselotte with her sister Selina. As she hides and watching them, following them secretly. While both sisters are bathing, they sense magic power, and Aries breaks through. Lieselotte clashes with her attack by connecting to the Acedia Archive. Aries introduces herself, when Lieselotte quires her identity. Aries Claiming her objective is to contact Liesleotte Sherlock through a distortion of space time. Stating that her purpose is to seek out Selina who possess the lost Archive Melancholy as well as informing her that she is a user of Archive that should not exist. Aries informs Selina that she has come to invite her to become an Arbitrator. Aries then hugs Lieselotte stating that she misses her and wanted to see her. Naming her the mage of another dimension thus acknowledge her now. Just then past memories flashback through Lieselotte when she was with Aries, remembering her past. As Lieselotte screams in pain, she falls unconscious, Aries then says that she was disappointed with the attack on the synchronization memories. She tells Selina that her power is necessary, Selina had a feeling that she didn't come here to attack them, as on the contrary she is here for something very important. Just then Arata and Lilith barges in. However an unexpected reaction came from Aries as she starts to shed tears upon seeing Arata, calling him the fiendish Demon Lord Candidate. She then teleports away. Informing the group that she will leave this time but next time she will invite Selina. Arata then wonders why Aries was crying.

Aries notes on Arata

Aries notes on Arata fight with Hijri.

Aries then with an Arbitrator messenger come across Royal Biblia Academy when Arata was starting his fight with Hijri. She observe the fight from afar on top of the school building, she comments about how it is most important division of space-time. The Arbitrator messenger asks her if she is referring to that singularity of time. Aries notes that Arata today will assassinate Hijri Kasuga, and is captured by the Goddess of Darkness.

Aries friends

Aries remembers her friend Liese.

Aries later seen in one of the Arbitrator buildings, as she is approached by Maris and Faunaria, Maris then inquires if she came to pick her up and Faunaria (after their battle with Master Liber and Lugh). Instead she invites them both to a meal solicitation. They shower first, and Faunaria asks if there is anyone who likes her, but she refuses to answer. However Maris notes the reaction she showed is the opposite of her answer. Aries says how good friends are such as Maris and Faunaria, but Maris denies that Faunaria and her are friends. Aries mentions she has a good friend as well, remembering Liese with a sad smile on her face. An Arbitrator Messenger suddenly appears and inform the trio that there will be an emergency call and convocation meeting among all Arbitrator will be held, mentioning one of the Arbitrators who has been away from heavens for a long time has returned.

Aries explains

Aries explains the danger of the revival of the goddess.

In Arbitrator Headquarters, upon Master Biblia return, as the Arbitrators welcome him back home, she stays silent. She is later selected along with Murakumo to train the new Arbitrator candidates. Aries chose Selina, and then introduces herself. She then informs Akio of the situation they are working in, which Aries explains using her time orb. Explaining the Goddess of Darkness revival that would annihilate mankind, which all dimensions, space-time will she fuse with. But says her future is not 100% accurate. She tells Selina that her sisters can cross dimensions and if she can became Arbitrator, Selina herself can remeasure and create the best future choice possibility.

Aries & Selina together

Aries reassures Selina that she has learned.

Selina then trains with Aries to become a Heavenly Arbitrator Candidate, as she teaches her different kind of books. However she suddenly notices that the 3rd phase transition of Nornil Giants the revival of three pillars, and a sudden strong shock wave blast came from afar, which knocks all the books away as well as destroying the room they were in. Even though Selina complains that she haven't studied anything, Aries reassures her that the basic idea has been researched, and there is no problem in terms of knowledge as she can master them 100%.

An Arbitrator Messenger appears before Aries informing her there will be a convocation from the Arbitrator leader. The messenger also invites Selina. Multiple Messengers then arrive and clean the area. Aries calls for a shortcut, and suddenly a portal is opened beneath her, as she descends on her Arbitrator Pillar. It is revealed that Harukage opened the portal to summon her there, as it's an emergency. Aetheria says that the Goddess of Darkness is in her Awakening Precursor, and the Giant Nornil Pillars have revived. Aetheria orders Maris to explain to the survivors of the last war. As Maris summons a sphere that project images, she start explaining about the Great Magic War and the Giant Nornil Pillars, including the Twilight Library crisis, Aetheria summarizes it's a tradition that makes the creatures of the world of predation into their own army.

Aries suggest help from Deus Trinity

Aries informs Aetheria they have 0% of winning without Deus Trinity help.

In the project sphere, Deus Trinity manages to project himself there as an astral-body speaking through the sphere. promoting to help the Arbitrators, but Aetheria has her doubts if there is a chance he will fall into the goddess side. Stating that it is dangerous when facing the Goddess of Darkness, so Aetheria turns his help offer down. But Aries notes that they have 0% win rate against Nornil Giants without Deus Trinity help, confusing Aetheria to make a decision. In the end she accepts his help. Then all the Arbitrators witness his power by destroying his Giant Nornil Pillar with such ease. Surprising Aetheria. Aries remains silent, then she mentions that the remaining two Pillars of Nornil Giants has weakened due to the disappearance of Versand. Finally Aetheria ordered all the Arbitrators to move to the Twilight Library.

Later in Heavens, Aries who was with Selina were visited by Arata. He brings cake to the both of them which was sold in heavens. Aries requests support from him for Selina's anxiety. Whom she is having a hard time understanding Thema's. Arata wonders if he can give her a hint, encouraging her that she is a strong mage, to which Selina pleads to. Arata tells her to pretend to be like Liese, which Selina becomes flustered to do so. Aries questions Arata if it is important to do so, however Arata responds that Selina looks excited about her sister. She tries imitating her sister by how much she loves Arata. However both Aries and Arata are at a loss for words. Aries points out there is a decisive difference between Liese and Selina. Selina thinks to herself how her sister always kept moving forward without stopping. Selina finally figures out the key is her memories with her sister.

Aries & Arata

Aries witnesses Selina opens the Melancholy sealed gate.

A powerful magical torrent surround Selina's body, and Aries notes that she's connecting to her Thema. Selina then sealed and released a gate of Melancholy, She is transformed with a new Thema and outfit. Aries then announces with this all the Arbitrators are ready. Arata with Aries then watch from a building the heavens place, he tells Aries that he thought that the Heavens were similar to the Sky Library, he says that it's really a big city. Aries tells Arata that the heavenly world is a foundation world. Civilizations of all worlds are selected and developed. Arata finds it a very convenient world, comparing it to a paradise. Aries tells Arata that she has encountered a different dimension isotope devil demon candidates, Chronos Trinity the Demon Lord of laziness, one that is dangerous and evil, and a horrifying demon king. However she finds Arata a natural one, whom fear does not exist, it is doubtful. She asks him that he is now the Demon King, wanting to know his condition, responding that he feels like a fool. Aries gets confused, Arata clarifies that everyone looks great and is drowning in power and grinning, he thinks of it very embarrassing.

Aries provides help

Aries tells Arata she will help him.

Aries asks him that if being one have a devilish attitude, Arata agrees so, remembering his father Deus Trinity calling him how gentle and dignified atmosphere is rather scary yet cool. So he tells her, he decided to do the Great Demon King with the usual laughing appearance as much as possible. Aries changes the subject and thanks him for Selina's awakening. Though Arata says he needed her for what he is going to do, since her new Thema and magical power are absolutely necessary. He tells Aries him, everyone, and the Arbitrators want to have such a rule that even the goddess laughs and has a good time. She asks him if he wants complete control. Aries extends her hand, mentions to him that she will fully cooperate with him. She then becomes flustered, denying naughty things. She then shakes hand with him, informing him that the cooperation of the Arbitrators will be essential in the future. However this hand shake triggers a memory in Arata's mind, in which Aries is eating crepes, asking her if she likes them, which shocks her.

Aries decision

Aries determination to protect Arata.

Aries figures out it's from other timeline, which they both had mixed consciousness of the hand shake. Aries then teleports a distance away from him, and with a serious look, she tells him that this time she will definitely protect him without fail thinking to herself that even if he is the Great Demon King who controls all the even the probability world. Arata smiles and tells her that he is relying on her.

Maris with Faunaria and Aries head to battle

Aries, Faunaria and Maris head to battle the gods.

She is later seen wielding Dáinsleif at an heaven building with Maris and Faunaria. As Faunaria is fired up that they are all in the field as well, Maris jesting by saying Faunaria is staying, which annoys her, and Maris says that of course not since they are on the front line. Shouting, Faunaria seems to hate this lie. Aries interrupts them and says them that it's time to depart. As the trio descend the to the earthly world.

Arata winks

Arata saves both Aries and Faunaria and winks at them.

When the Heavenly troops are brainwashed by Skald ability, and started attacking Faunaria, Aries teleports next to her, which Faunaria confused at the situation she questions Aries about the details. Aries informs her that the three goddess remaining Pillar, Skald, has began his process of meddling with space-time. Which are the Heavenly army memories have been meddled with so they are not protected against brainwashing attacks. Faunaria understands the situation, that weaker Maguses and the Heavenly people are getting brainwashed. She asks Aries how should they proceed now that the enemy numbers are going. Aries tells Faunaria that the Arbitrator head, the allies, and the consultants of Heavenly army are biding time for them to regroup. Faunaria questions Aries about the allies, to which Aries points her finger at Arata and Deus Trinity as they destroy the enemy. After that Arata winks at both Faunaria and Aries, which Faunaria finds it annoying and Aries simply finds Faunaria reaction unreasonable.

Still observing from above along with Faunaria, in a sudden they both feel a huge explosion. Faunaria questions about it, though Aries instead couldn't believe that it's a blow from the Great Demon King being innumerable, moreover from among the soldiers who became enemies. After Arata and Deus Trinity destroy the last Nornil Giant Pillar. Aries along with Faunaria and the other Arbitrators watch as it evaporates in the air. The heavenly troops later celebrate their victory.

Aries was standing next to her fellow Arbitrator, while Aetheria announces that the goddess has appeared. They are then surrounded by a powerful magical torrent, which injures some of the Arbitrators. Aries is knocked backwards along with Maris. Aries mentions that there is a Space-time interference. Faunaria shouts for them, as she is concerned for their safety, and shields them both. The goddess arrive at their location, when she found out that Faunaria isn't affected by her attack. Faunaria finds both Maris and Aries are infected with the black crystal. After both Aetheria and Harukage are confined in black crystals. Leaving Murakumo and Liber to deal with the goddess. They leave it to Aries to go to the Great Demon King. As she take the worried Faunaria and Maris then flies away.

Maris wishes for Aries to release her

Maris requests for Aries to release her.

Later the goddess plans to chase those who escaped. Aries who is holding Maris, and the worried Faunaria notices the goddess sphere of influence is expanding. While Faunaria notices that Aries face has been partially infected with black crystal as well, as she starts to tear up. Aries smiles, and that she will be sure to protect her. When Maris requests Aries to let her go, she sadly does so, after she says farewell to Faunaria. Faunaria cries for her, and Aries looks away in sadness and sheds tears.

Aries managed to reach Arata, after landing she says she's sorry. She requests for him to protect Faunaria. The erosion keeps on spreading on Aries's body, and Arata questions her as to why she didn't head to Liese. She smiles and tells him that she wanted to protect her close friend Faunaria. Arata thanks her for her hard work and effort. Suddenly Faunaria hugs Aries crying, pleading her not to leave her, being her last friend left. In Aries last moments, she pats on Faunaria's head before being confined in black crystal.

Unfortunately it is later revealed that Aries reappears and has become a god who obeys Aryan known as "Pholus of the Darkness Void". Arles describes her that a void god that was carved into the goddess of darkness of eternity.

Pholus of the Darkness Void Strikes

Aries stands in a temple, with pipes connected all over the place watches over a preserved Liese who is in her Belphegor form but appearing more monstrous form, with wings. Aries looks at her then comments that Belphegor (referring to Liese) which is the last key she invited to the infinitely stopped space-time continuum that she made. Noticing that Lilith is within the stopped time, Aries states that she will completely seal her of this infinite space-time. Aries takes her Mythical Armament Dáinsleif and proceeds to leave the room.

Aries memories

Aries speaks with the god Pholus about her memories.

Prior to her confrontation, it is revealed in the sanctuary that Aries is in agony on the ground. As a voice can be heard inside her head, the voice mentions that resistance is futile and she is on the verge of assimilation. Continuing on, as it complements Aries on resisting becoming a goddess as all the Arbitrators have already assimilated with their gods. The voice tells Aries her ego is currently 3x residual value, which is outstanding. Aries tells her god Pholus that she won't be defeated as long as her memories and their remembrance doesn't disappear (especially Lieselotte and Arata). The voice goddess counters her statement that memories are nothing but to continue maintain existence interest, concern are important factors. The voice goddess questions Aries what would happen if all her memories of "Aries" are eroded, would "Aries" ego collapse. In response Aries shouts that she doesn't want to erase the memories of hers. The goddess voice then binds Aries with multiple halo-like circle. With the voice goddess noting that her resistance is recommended, for the voice favorable for research progress, with 24 hours and 42 seconds until Aries complete memory erasure and ego. A halo with the remaining time appear above Aries head. The goddess halo finally says that Aries comeback is impossible and total annihilation has been completed. Aries shouts in pain and she tries to stretches her hand towards Liese with an apology as her probability of salvation is 0.1%. Aries then collapses and the halo timer above her head starts the countdown.

Pholus countermeasures

Pholus decides to seal the Azazel family.

The goddess notices both Lilith and Arles whom have directly to confront her. Whom are amazed to make such a bold attack. Pholus immediately activates "Infinite Distortion" a spell surrounding the duo with the shape of electric sphere. Lilim warns Arles not to touch it, describing how dangerous it is. Arles is somehow excited and complements the goddess Pholus for such a technique. However Arles uses "Layer Alchemy" styles and unique techniques to counter it all the "infinite Distortion". Confident with her "Layer Alchemy" she speaks to Pholus who asks her if she even gained resistance to her "Infinite Distortion" to whom she says yes. Pholus speaks to herself how the Azazel family opposed and betrayed god, as well how are they are able to respond to any situation, creating breakthroughs, they're the blood of the accursed god. Finding it fortuitous. Pholus decides he will seal and extinguish their lineage magic concepts and existence to the end of dimensions.

Pholus infinite distortion

Pholus forms an enormous Infinite Distortion to swallow everything, as Lilith and Arles gets sucked in it.

Arles decides for Lilith to hit Pholus three times with their time bomb gun, and teaches Lilith how to separate both Pholus and Aries apart. Although Pholus have taken the first hit prior, Lilith takes the gun and fires the second shot at the goddess. Surprisingly Pholus does nothing but takes the attack head on. However thanks to that Pholus mentions he analyzed the technique and figures out if he took the third attack Aries main body will manifest in this dimension. Moreover Pholus understands the strength of their resistance measurement of dimensional distortion that annihilate Arles completely. Arles damns her that she only took the second attack just to analyze everything. Pholus notes the reasons to separate Aries from her and wait for an existence that can defeat him whom which he identifies as Arata. Whom is alive and is able to break through their dimension, Pholus completes his countermeasures. Pholus creates a single small "Infinite Distortion" the ball then fly upwards and expands in size quickly. Arles notes it's a bad situation as they're being sucked in, she furthermore says it will keep on growing bigger, swallowing the Heaven's Library whole and erase it. Lilith is wondering for the goddess to do such a thing even though his real body isn't there. Pholus answers that Aries physical body won't disappear, however it's no problem since it will regenerate after a long period of time. Arles decides for time to be bought, be swallowed by the orb before the world collapse, as Arles gets sucked in the orb.

Lilith misses the last shot

Lilith misses the last bullet against the god Pholus, confusing Pholus.

Arles, who have saved the world through her sacrifice is revealed that she is resisting the Infinite Distortion. Noticing this, Pholus informs Lilith that all Arles efforts were in vain as she only halted the Infinite Distortion for 90 seconds, and she will be completely annihilated. When Lilith regains her confidence and with Arata on her side everything will go smoothly. Pholus simply tells her that it is all meaningless as only 30 seconds remaining with shortly Arles, Aries, Lilith as well as the last key will be completely erased. Furthermore informing Lilith that using her last time bomb bullet won't work on her and is impossible, as she already analysed the bullet. She smirks and says she's very disappointed, presenting her with total and utter defeat. However a smiling Lilith mocks her by her attitude being a very Acedia user god of existence. Lilith then prepares to fire the last bullet with Lilim and Pholus smirk with her countermeasures, despite confidence with her Layer Alchemy. Lilith fires the last shot, with Pholus smirking as she expected to be the last attack. Only for her to notice that Lilith missed, this confuses Pholus since the attack has failed.

Pholus shocked

Pholus is shocked and loses her composure after being trapped in a time freeze and at the sight of Lieselotte.

Having failed the last shot, Pholus announces this is the end of the Azazel family bloodline. The human soul who oppose the gods. She tells Lilith that Arles Azazel is extinguished completely and now determined that every existence will unify with Aryan. Believing that Lilith has lost all hope and gained despair she prepares to guide her to the same destruction that her mother faced. However Lilith informs that she still haven't realized which Pholus finds it confusing finding as it's a bluff. Lilith points her index finger up, smiling and informs Pholus since Gods are absolute and because this is outside her measurements she mustn't have notice. Pholus looks above and is surprised to see the Infinite Distortion is halted finding it Arles life force is inexhaustible. Suddenly another voice can be heard, and she mentions an observer pretending to be a god will not be able to deal what she created. Pholus notice that she's standing in a time freeze space. The person voice tells the god what she is standing on and mentioning her real name "Aries". Pholus is so shocked at the sight and can't even think properly because the revival is impossible in this current situation. Lieselotte Sherlock reveals herself. Pholus is utterly shocked at the sight with Lieselotte mocking her that she can't keep her composure hence being the first time she is feeling this emotion.

Pholus then looks at the preserved Lieselotte kept in the sanctuary, having believed the limit was released. However Lilith explains it's thanks to Layer Alchemy, and the shot she fired earlier would have no use against the gods whatsoever, but since Lieselotte biometric is preserved, it was possible to use Layer Alchemy to reproduce her physical body from her soul. Pholus then attempts to re-measure due to Lieselotte unexpected revival, but Lieselotte is one step ahead of hers. She announces that the probability of two Trinity Seven members who have achieved legendary levels win over a God's power is 100%.

Liese teleports

Liese uses stagnation against Pholus.

Pholus bound

Liese binds Pholus.

Pholus believes that they only who achieved legendary levels exist only the legends. Liese explains that she as the "Infinite Demon" and Lilith who is "The Demon Lord Daughter" are. While Lilith Azazel mastered Layer Alchemy and obtaining the Azazel family research results thus achieving Legendary Level. Lieselotte achieved Legendary level by assimilating Acedia administrator. Having calculated countermeasures, Pholus suddenly sensed a change in the preserved Lieselotte, she summons Dáinsleif. Pholus calculated how Lieselotte came back and it's thanks to Lilith Layer Alchemy. Pholus attacks Liese with Infinite Distortion substance, only for Liese to teleport away to avoid them and use a technique called Space-time stagnation forming a small circular calculating markings on it which she uses around herself to defend, this technique also erases the magic which Pholus notices, thus completely protecting Liese. The circular markings then suddenly opens up and temporarily binds Pholus. Liese then notes they should come up with a strategy as it will only 10 seconds. Liese also mentions that she can only stop the place time and be a nuisance to Pholus.

Pholus colored bodies

Pholus creates three colored bodies with each body represent a different time plane.

Pholus frees herself from the technique after analysing it. She then creates 3 different coloured bodies of herself. Lilith is confused, by the situation. Liese explains the blue one rules over the present, the green one rules over the past, and the red rules over the future. Liese believes that Pholus goal in dividing his body is to forcibly bend the time she fixed. Liese summons her past selves from different dimensions and uses Chaos Calculation. Noting that she chose the strongest ones. But they are still no much for Pholus as he uses powerful force-field crushing them. Due to the different Liese's from different dimension take damage, it's shared within the main body, which damages Liese's right eye.

Though even though she took a huge risk Liese managed to figure out that out of the three bodies only one of them is housing Aries' soul. Liese advices Lilith to shoot at the real one, which she used the same way to revive her using Layer Alchemy. Liese transfers a large quantity of Aries data she gathered to Lilith. Pholus says even if they try to rebuild Aries soul their probability chances are 1 out of the 3 bodies are 66% and Pholus in favour but before Pholus can finish the sentences, Liese cuts him off and comments that she's not just pretending to be Aries best friend as well she is a friend whom she defeated the Demon Lord. Lilith notices all 3 of them gave the same reaction upon hearing Liese words. Lilith tries to think of a way and remembers Aries interactions and how she became an Arbitrator.

Lilith shoots Pholus

Lilith shoots at the blue body believing it that it contains the real Aries soul.

Lilim talks to Lilith informing her that she finished registering Aries biometric coordinates, also telling her to load the time bomb with Arles magic power. Liese notices an immense magic power coming from Lilith, as she is ready to fire her final shot. Even though Lilith couldn't guess which one to shoot, Liese encourages that their probability of victory is always 100%. Lilith shoots at the blue Pholus using Exodus Cradle. As the shot is fired, the blue Pholus is seemingly surprised.

Although the shot is fired, Lilith senses resistance from the blue Pholus, and says that the past and the future both dominate the present day. Also it is impossible to beat the god of time, as Lilith runs out of magical power, however unexpectedly Arles Azazel spirit support Lilith, reminding her that nothing can beat Layer Alchemy, as well with a support of Lilim. Pholus is barely able to resist the blast, surprised by the increase in power output. Lilith, with the spirit of Arles and Lilim use "Trinity Cradle", and the blast was powerful enough to overcome the blue Pholus, and Pholus god is separated from Aries.

Aries comeback

Aries ends a dream state where she sees a place of crepe shop. There she meets her younger self from β universe. Aries recognize her younger version, there the young Aries tells Aries that she wanted to convey her gratitude, thanking her. This confuses Aries for her thanks, she says that she was able to establish her existence as an Arbitrator, as well as the loss of the existence of The Last Key. She furthermore explain that different dimensional isotopes are generated in each dimension, and as a result allowing her to survive. With the β reconstruction of space-time, she looks at a happy Arata and Liese, noting to Aries that it's thanks to that she is able to live in peace with them. The real Aries cries upon seeing Arata calling him Blue Demon King. She as well is relieved that he's alive and survives in β space-time. The younger Aries informs her that she's sharing all of her biometric coordinate information with her. The younger version smiles at the real Aries, wishing her for a happy life as well. Both Aries's then look on Arata and Liese as they wave to both Aries's as friends.

In the real world Aries smiles after the dream state she was in. The β Aries universe thinks to herself the love for the Blue Demon King, and the real Aries soul exists there. The real Aries thinks about Lilith Azazel predictive medium and wonders her love as well. Aries collapses on her knees in front of Lilith and Liese telling them her complete defeat, as well as the vassal god, she will constantly stop her thoughts. She informs both of them with the current state she's in, it is possible to extinguish the existence of a subordinate god. However neither of them are paying attention, which Aries notices, and wonders why the reason for the facial expression. It is revealed they were looking at Arata, as he mentions he was able to finally arrive after the time stop has been lifted. Both Lilith and Liese run to him in joy, while Aries still remains on the ground.

After Arata arrives, he goes into Pholus mind space void. There he meets the god of time Pholus, Arata describes Pholus's inner place similar to a godly realm. Pholus says now that she is defeated, Aries ruling takes authority over her, and Pholus Energy of Existence is declining her outer appearance, which changed her form smaller. When Arata takes a step forward, she becomes nervous, knowing full well he is the Demon Lord who snared both Skade and Meistima. However Arata informs the god that they are cooperating with him as well as both of them believe he can save Aryan. Arata explains to Pholus that Gods are absolute existence and he thinks that Aryan is lonely and the reason to that is due to her actions thinking that she is trying to bring everything together because to her loneliness. Arata says as the Great Demon Lord he can become an existence opposite to Aryan and will become equal to her. Though Pholus tells him a Great Demon Lord is guaranteed to go on a rampage, having witnessed it prior. The Azure Demon Lord whom Aries defeated has been completely erased. But Arata disagrees with her, that he hasn't vanished. Pholus witness the Azure sun and questions if it is the Azure Demon Lord Breakdown Phenomenon. Arata explains his experience with The Abyss which is the place where every Demon Lord soul seeks to rest. As Arata himself was in The Abyss as well. Extending his hand, he tells Pholus all of those souls are coming with him. Pholus takes his hand and as a result she disappears, which she spends her last thoughts that the result of assimilating with Aries she gained the emotion of love.

She smiles at Arata, still finding his ways to free Aries "fiendish" which Arata smiles back at her that he might just be. Using Impel Majester technique to completely free Aries from the goddess control. As what remains of Pholus thinks back to Aries and Aryan, and thinks to herself that emotions and feelings, what is courting is discomfort none. Aries loses consciousness. Arata comes back to the original world with Aries who inform both Liese and Lilith that Pholus became his comrade and leaves Aries with Liese.

Much later in Demon Lord Castle Noah Aries is seen in a bath with Liese, Lilith, Lilim, Altana, Harukage, Patricia, Chris, Inori, Yorun, Pandora and Arata. Aries is very awkward and not comfortable in mixed bath and even questions Liese why they should be in a mixed bath. But the Demon Lord Knights each give their own opinion with Patricia who answers her she got too used to mixed baths, Chris says that normal baths differ for boys and girls. Inori says she simply used being seen in mixed baths and Yorun is shyly reminded what being a normal girl would be. Liese points out Aries entering the bath reminded them of their moral values. Liese leans on Aries and thanks her for her efforts as thanks to her she continuously resisted against Pholus, they were able to make it to this time. and Aries it is no problem but notices something about her body. Lilith notes that she restored the biometeric information giving her the ultimate body in a way she explains that the body is that the durability of a human being but she's able to keep using the calculating power of the archive administrator. Liese admits that she enjoys doing lewd activities with Arata, but Aries disagree with her. Arata laughs at this he admits as well in his current state of body he can't do much. Aries still has her doubts and shouts at him that he should stay away from her.


Arbitrator abilities

Aries time orb

Time orb

Aries is the Arbitrator of Time, she can manipulate time, access dimensions, and see future visions, this allows her to choose the best course of action for future events.

  • Time orb - Aries can summon an orb that allows her to access time itself.
    • Dimensional calculating - Via the orb, she can control and access all dimensions, calculate the time estimated for the event to occur using 'phases'.
      • Future events - After going and calculating through phases she is able to see what will happen in the future, a form of precognition.

Aries is capable of teleportation, however unlike Lieselotte who can teleport small distance away, Aries can teleport without limitations. She can even teleport from the outside world to the heavens instantaneously.

Aries attribute is Laziness.

Pholus of the Darkness Void: As Pholus Aries gains a new ability called "Infinite Distortion"

  • Infinite Distortion: Pholus creates ball-like spheres sparked with lightning, they can surround the target or leave them trapped unable to move since touching them is dangerous.
    • Infinite Distortion special ability: The space close to the distortions will have it's coordinates sent beyond other dimensions, it is considered a magic that transcends the concept of erasing the world itself. If touched the sphere balls will swallow one's soul, and world and erase it. If she wishes the god Pholus can create a singularity orb, sending it flying upwards which expands quickly and sucks everything into it. It will keep on expanding to the point that it would be able to suck something as huge as Heaven's Library.

Other abilities

Aries is only able to control and manipulate time, so far she hasn't shown any other abilities. Although uniquely she has an Archive, Acedia which she can manipulate space-time as well. After graduating from Royal Biblia Academy, she doesn't use her Magus Mode anymore, and only rely on her Arbitrator abilities. However she uses her Logos Arts to teleport.

Aries can force others to relieve one's past flashback if forgotten, this is demonstrated when she forced Lieselotte Sherlock to remember the Aries in this world. This cause others to suffer from extreme pain in the brain, due to the sudden flashbacks flowing through endlessly. In Lieselotte case, their memories synchronized with each other. This however only applies to people she knows, as even a hand shake with her can cause a sudden flashback.

  • Mythical Armament Dáinsleif
Magic Tools
  • A wing-shaped flight unit glider


  • The Aries in this universe personality is very different from the β World, however they both consider Lieselotte as their best friend.
  • Her favorite food is eating crepes in β universe and the original universe, to the point that her eyes sparkles.
  • Aries is the only famous mage to have become an Arbitrator. Master Liber has theorized in her journey to find Lieselotte, she may have already became an Arbitrator.